Tips For Your

CCPE Application

Tips For Your

CCPE Application


The board are auditors, the responsibility lies on the applicant to clearly demonstrate all competencies.


Ensure you flag your work product to indicate where the competencies are met. Be specific by identifying the paragraph/section and page number, not the entire report.  You can insert comments in your electronic file to  tab or "flag” the required section.


Where claiming competency 3 & 4 which require collaboration with various parties, do more than indicate you “collaborated with X, Y, and Z”. Provide an explanation in the Work Product Summary of who you collaborated with, how, and toward what goal. For example: “monthly meetings were held with [list group] on a monthly basis to discuss…” or “7 workers were consulted across 3 shifts to obtain feedback on….”. If you have meeting minutes, submit them as an Appendix.


Beware of using the same work product to claim competency 9 and 16. 9 is requesting a technical report (problem definition, analysis, recommendations) while 16 is asking to see a range of product for a range of audiences (presentations, resource manuals, newsletters, video, posters).


For competency 10 and 11, demonstrate the use of  quantitative (numerical) design specifications, this includes quantifying how a change should be implemented (i.e not “raise the conveyor”, but rather “raise the conveyor by 10 cm”, so that engineers or maintenance could implement your change as you intended).


For competency 12, demonstrate your participation with the design team at all stages, for example by including meeting minutes, sample emails, or gant charts.


For competency 13, focus on your evaluation of the solution and show us your analysis. For example, does your solution eliminate or lower the relative risk? Projects might include evaluating the effectiveness of a pilot project before rolling it out to entire organization, evaluating the design of a new workstation, or evaluating the impact of a lift assist as compared to a lift table to assist with decision making.


For competency 14, we are looking for details on the cost benefit of a solution or several options under consideration, ROI, potential cost avoidance with injury reductions, etc. “This will cost $###”, or “This is available from X Supplier” is not an economic evaluation.


For competency 17, show evidence of project management through Gant charts, project plans, deliverables, and timelines.


Ensure your FTE is done before applying. Work experience obtained before education is met must be discounted at 50%. Furthermore, at least 50% of professional activities must have been in the direct application of ergonomics/human factors for it to count toward FTE experience (i.e a job with 30% application of ergonomics cannot be counted). No more than 12 months of experience can be accrued per calendar year, even if the applicant holds more than 1 job.

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